Tuesday, April 21, 2015

History Of Moving Industry

It is estimated that our planet, Earth, formed around 4500 million years ago. Since its formation, the Earth has gone through several stages in which life has progressively evolved. The earliest anatomically modern humans are recorded to have arrived around 200,000 years ago, constantly changing and evolving into modern day people that populate the Earth today. Since the early human life, the development of agriculture permitted the creation of first cities. The development of cities gave rise to civilizations. This complex process of society development is ever changing. In the last century alone, Americans underwent radical social and cultural changes that strongly contributed to our way of life today. Clothing styles, jobs, living circumstances and modes of transportation vastly differ in comparison. The market for these goods and services has also undergone profound transformations. Consumer driven markets are constantly adapting to cater to our needs. One of the most distinctive changes in markets over time has been the expansion in the choice of goods of and services available to consumers. The relocation industry is amongst the many that make up the latter.

For thousands of years before the wheel was invented, people used wooden structures that resembled the modern day sled, which were then dragged behind horses or by hand. As humans entered the agricultural period, the wheel was invented, increasing efficiency in the relocation process. This led to people inventing the wooden cart, the wagon and the rail car. In the early days of civilization, only the wealthy could afford the luxury of transporting their goods. The average person didn't even have the need for relocation, because often time families stayed in the same home for many generations. Thus, professional moving was a rare occurrence. Years into the future, professional moving industry was developed in the U.S. after undergoing the expansion of the intercontinental railroads in the 1800s. Moving companies would then use horse-drawn wagons to transport belongings to warehouses strategically placed next to railroads, where belongings would then be packed and crated for shipping. The moving company would then load them into a rail car and unload them at another warehouse when they reached desired location. Motorized vans would then replace relocation via the railroad by the early 1900s. By the mid 1920s, motorized vehicles were an integral part of the industry and the moving industry consisted of a number of individual companies operating independently. Fast-forward into the 21st century, there are a variety of moving companies to choose, from large corporations to small companies. A variety of trucks that focus both on sustainability and the environment. Varying in price, services and even companies that are more conscious of the environment. From just a click of a mouse, and e-mail or a phone call, you can easily find a moving company to assist you on your move from the comfort of your home.

As the industry grew and expanded over the years, so did the competition. Old approaches to acquiring new customers and business proved to no longer be viable. Companies had to come up with new incentives to lure in prospective clients, by all means necessary. This gave rise to false advertisement, hidden fees and deception. From horse-drawn wagons to tractor-trailers, this industry has bloomed into estimated $12 million dollar revenue annually, with 8,000 companies across the U.S. One thing is certain, life on planet Earth is constantly evolving and changing, but not always for the better. The choices we make today, shape the environment we will be living in the future. Collectively and as individuals we need to proceed in a matter that ensures a sustainable and healthy future. 

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